Patron Points For Retailers For Members

Proudly serving...

At Patron Points, we’re proud to serve independent convenience store proprietors, owners of
small chains, petroleum distributors and petroleum co-op members like you. We believe that
you have the most to gain from our loyalty programs: we help you compete with larger
franchises, keep more customers, and put more money in your pocketbook.

At Patron Points, we create loyalty programs exclusively for neighborhood convenience
stations, petroleum distributors and community co-ops:

Independent Convenience Stores and Small Chains

If you’re the owner of an independent convenience store or small chain of stations, you know
that competition for customers is fierce. These days, large franchises are popping up on every
corner, giving customers a vast array of options. At Patron Points, our goal is to level the
playing field. We create customized loyalty systems for owners of independent gas stations
and small chains that give you an edge on the competition and entice customers to choose
your store exclusively. When customers earn rewards for spending money in your store, why
would they go anywhere else?

Find out how a Patron Points loyalty program will benefit you.

Petroleum Distributors

As a petroleum distributor, it’s likely a lot of your customers make choices based on price,
sometimes down to the penny. Fortunately, you have Patron Points. Patron Points creates
loyalty programs specifically for petroleum distributors, helping companies like yours stand
out from your competition by offering more than just a good price. A Patron Points loyalty
program is not only a good incentive for dealers to continue working with you, it’s an effective
marketing strategy. Patron Points will help cross-market your divisions and tie your offerings
together, ultimately increasing your bottom line.

Petroleum Co-Ops

Patron Points works with petroleum co-ops to provide members with unrivaled reward
benefits. By aligning distributors, Patron Points makes it easy for loyalty plan participants to
earn points not only on gas, but on other items for the home or farm as well.
As an independent convenience store owner or local co-op, you may not have the largest
marketing budget. As a petroleum distributor, your prices can’t go lower forever. With Patron
Points, you’ll be competitive anyway.

You’ll have the power of loyalty.

Interested in working with us? We look forward to serving you.

If you’d like to start a loyalty program at your station, give us a call. You can reach us at
651.714.0113. Prefer e-mail? Drop us a line:


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